The Low Down On Twink Dating Exposed

Gay Twink Dating

Right, it’s date time. You’ve got the right outfit together, you’ve chosen the place, you’ve got the guy that you’ve always dreams of waiting for you in the cab downstairs… Are you ready for this?

It’s the first time that you’ve ever met a guy from a twink dating site, right? You’re nervous because you don’t really know what to expect. You’ve heard that these guys are divas. You love the way they look, hence why you’ve decided to join the twink dating site in the first place, but as for personality, you’re not sure whether or not you’ll be able to handle him.

If you want to get through the date and end things on a positive note (or perhaps not even end them at all!) you need to read the following advice:

*Clothing – do you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing? As much as you want to make a good impression and turn up in something fabulously beautiful, you’ll want to feel comfortable too otherwise you’ll look disinterested in him and more interested in that seam on your jeans that just won’t sit in the right place.

*Footwear – are you wearing footwear appropriate for the date? If you’re wearing trainers, remember that certain clubs won’t let you in so if you are planning a late night, a spare pair of shoes is a must have. Or at least avoid wearing trainers.

*Punctuality – make sure that you are on time for your date. If you were interested in the guy that is waiting for you, just think about how many other guys have been messaging him on the twinks dating site, and how many other men he might have waiting after you. Being late is not a good sign and although you want to look good, you don’t want to arrive too late to watch him pass you over for someone else… someone that actually turns up on time!

*Attention – are you paying your date enough attention? Clearly he has gone to a great deal of bother making himself look that good for you, so make sure that you compliment him. Do you like his shirt? His jeans? His shoes? How does his hair look? Where did he get his watch from? Guys like to be complimented, you know, and with a twink, there is no exception to the rule.

Sticking with the theme of attention, it doesn’t matter how much attention you are getting from those other guys, make sure that your attention tonight is focused solely on your date. If he doesn’t pay you the same respect, turn around and go home. If there is someone more important on the end of his phone, he should be spending the evening with them!

At the end of the day, you’ll win some and you’ll lose some. Just because you had amazing chemistry via text message doesn’t mean the same chemistry will be there when you turn up on the night but one thing is for sure – you won’t know until you give it a try!